Whether you’re a Las Vegas local or a tourist, a hotel injury can easily ruin your experience on the Strip. These hotel and casino properties have a legal duty to maintain safe conditions and minimize the risk of injuries to visitors and guests. However, sometimes negligence results in preventable injuries at Las Vegas hotels and casinos.

If you have recently been injured at a Las Vegas hotel and believe that negligence was a factor, you may have grounds for a personal injury claim against the property. But securing the full financial compensation you deserve can sometimes be a challenge. That’s why many individuals in your position turn to an experienced Las Vegas hotel injury lawyer for legal guidance.

At the Cottle Firm, our team of experienced Las Vegas hotel injury lawyers helps our clients maximize their chances of success in a personal injury claim. Contact us today at 866.755.9111 to discuss your hotel injury case in a free consultation.

Common Types of Hotel Accidents

A variety of accidents can occur when hotels and casinos fail to address hazardous conditions on their properties. Here are some of the most common types of Las Vegas hotel and casino injuries the lawyers at the Cottle Firm see in our cases.

Slip and Fall Accidents

Wet and slippery floors pose a slip-and-fall hazard to hotel and casino guests. Whether caused by wet floors near pools or inadequate signage indicating recently mopped floors, these accidents can result in severe injuries. Victims of such accidents should meticulously document the circumstances, including any potential signs of negligence.

Slip and fall injuries are among the most common accidental injuries in the U.S. According to the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI), there are more than 1 million emergency room visits for slip and fall injuries each year.

Injuries in Hotel Pools and Recreational Areas

Most Las Vegas hotels boast a variety of recreational spaces, such as swimming pools, spas, and gyms. These areas must be regularly maintained and surveyed for hazards that could injure guests. Faulty equipment, inadequate maintenance, and insufficient staff supervision are all common examples of negligence that can lead to injuries in hotel recreational areas.

Elevator and Escalator Accidents

Malfunctioning and poorly maintained elevators and escalators can be a serious hazard for hotel guests. Mechanical failures, abrupt stops, or inadequate maintenance can lead to accidents with serious injuries. Guests affected by such accidents should gather evidence of the malfunction, report it to hotel staff immediately, and seek medical attention.

Inadequate Security Leading to Assaults

Poor security standards in hotels can expose guests to a range of dangers, including assaults and thefts. Hotel management has a legal duty to make sure adequate security measures are in place to minimize the risk of a guest becoming a crime victim. If a guest is assaulted or robbed due to negligent security, they may have a case for a lawsuit against the hotel.

Not all crime victims have grounds for a claim against the hotel. According to Nevada Statute NRS 651.015, hotel owners can only be held liable if the act that caused the injury was foreseeable and there is sufficient evidence that the owner failed to exercise due care for the safety of guests.

Legal Considerations After a Hotel Injury

When pursuing compensation after a hotel injury in Las Vegas, understanding the legal implications is paramount. Let’s delve into the crucial legal considerations that can significantly impact your ability to secure adequate financial compensation

Establishing Liability for Hotel Injuries

Lawsuits for hotel and casino injuries are filed based on an area of tort law called premises liability. To have grounds for a premises liability claim, you and your personal injury lawyer must show that the hotel owed a duty of care to guests, that they violated this duty of care, and that this violation directly led to your injuries.

In a premises liability claim, the duty of care is a legal obligation to keep property reasonably maintained and to minimize the risk of injuries. To prove that a breach of duty of care occurred, you must have evidence that a hazardous condition existed, that the casino was aware of it, that they failed to promptly address it, and that this failure directly led to your injuries.

Negligence of Hotel Staff

Staff negligence is a common basis for premises liability claims against hotels. If your injury resulted from negligence by a staff member, such as inadequate training, careless behavior, or failure to address hazards promptly, you may have a strong case.

Unsafe Premises and Failure to Maintain Facilities

Hotels bear the responsibility of maintaining safe premises. These properties can be held liable for injuries that stem from their failure to uphold safety standards.

Importance of Gathering Evidence After an Injury

Collecting ample evidence is key to establishing liability. After an injury, the victim should gather all relevant documentation, including incident reports, medical records, photographs, and witness statements. This documentation is crucial for establishing negligence, proving the extent of your injuries, and showing the injury-related losses you have suffered.

The Role of an Attorney in a Hotel Injury Claim

Securing maximum compensation after a Las Vegas hotel injury requires adept legal navigation. Let’s look at the critical role a personal injury lawyer plays in this complicated process.

Leveraging Legal Expertise

Personal injury cases are complex and require legal expertise. An attorney with experience in Las Vegas hotel injury cases can provide legal guidance through each step of the claims process. An adept lawyer understands the nuances of relevant laws and how to make sure your claim meets all legal requirements.

Crafting a Legal Strategy

An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you craft a strong legal strategy based on the unique circumstances of your case. They can investigate the circumstances of your accident and injuries, gather evidence, negotiate with insurers, and file a personal injury lawsuit if no fair settlement can be agreed upon. 

Fighting for Fair Compensation

Personal injury lawyers advocate for your rights, aiming not just for compensation but for a fair and comprehensive settlement that includes all damages related to your injuries. Their negotiation skills and understanding of local laws and legal precedents can be used to present a compelling case, improving your chances of receiving the maximum compensation possible.

Discuss Your Case With Our Las Vegas Hotel Injury Lawyers

At the Cottle Firm, our Las Vegas hotel injury lawyers help our clients maximize personal injury claims. We tackle various accidents, including slips, pool injuries, elevator mishaps, inadequate security, and all other hotel injuries caused by negligence. We are here to provide strategic legal counsel throughout the claims process and ensure fair compensation for your losses. Contact us at 866.755.9111 to learn more about maximizing compensation for a Las Vegas hotel or casino injury.